Nerd Sniped
I've primarily worked with Remix for the last few years, I only ever did manual deployments or pre-setup stacks to auto deploy to places like Fly. Then I found out about a fantastic library, SST. It seems to have all the functionality I want to easily be able to manage a serverless environment using AWS. I'm going to look to seriously make something using it so I can get much more familiar with the inner workings of AWS. So far I've successfully deployed a Remix app to lambda and found some issues to address. Currently secrets seem to be a big pain point since remix is stuck in cjs and isn't supporting top level await at this time. Hopefully in v2 the addition of esm as a server build might alleviate that. Currently you can manage your own express server as an esm app and I think I'm going to give that a try. The dream would be able to throw up and take down infrastructure as needed without breaking the bank. This'll be a great opportunity to learn more about effective caching, and the AWS platform itself.
I'm not super excited about the prospect of AWS, but it's somewhat a necessary evil here. Too many companies use it as the backbone for hosting and they have endless service options. If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em.
During this testing phase I also took a look at a different ORM tool, Drizzle. It seems to be the ORM of choice for people deploying using SST because it's really easy to bundle it into your application. Previously I was using Prisma, and I'm going to look into enabling that with SST as well, but it looks like it needs to be a stacked layer added to your lambda. Anyway, just a quick update on what my past couple days have been.