
Getting Into The AWS Weeds + New Site Design Talk

As I mentioned in my post a couple days ago (Nerd Sniped), I started looking at the SST library for AWS deployments. At first I ran into a few issues that were actually simple once I realized how I was limiting myself. ENV variables seemed difficult to work with at first, but I was just blinded by the slightly different convention. Now I've been able to fully deploy an app to AWS, make database changes on the fly using drizzle and planetscale.

This has been a great project mainly because of all the extra technologies I've been using. With a very basic created and ready, now it's time to work on file uploads and possibly picking out a UI library to make a somewhat larger project with. Since I'm using Remix for this I definitely want to get away from CSS in JS solutions. Just so many issues still exist with things like material-ui attempting to SSR. Tailwind makes it fairly easy to prototype whatever I'm looking for so I'm looking around at what I can find for component libraries based around tailwind. None of the solutions I've seen are really perfect so far, but perhaps I'm just being a bit too picky.

I think for the immediate time I'm going to just pluck out the UI library I've started making in my free time and continue fleshing it out and actually working with it. Partly cause I'm already familiar with the design choices I've made, I know I can fully override any piece I need to, and there's a bit less overhead. The library in question is actually in use on this site as well, at least for the buttons. I have started making a card as well but have not really put a whole lot of time into it yet. The main hope for my component library is to follow material's design guides as much as possible while focusing on accessibility and hopefully not all that much JS. Currently all components will require JS if you just work with the library on the client, but I've been making this library with remix in mind. Ideally you'd be able to run it once on the server building your document and then once it hits the front end you shouldn't need to rely on any javascript unless you want some progressive enhancement. That's something the DaisyUI library seems to do really well, giving you a lot of options to just make the components work with pure Tailwind + CSS tricks.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, progressive enhancements are 100% necessary in the modern day. So with this new site the process is make everything work with or without JS. You'll maybe get slower requests or larger operations might need to happen without JS, but you shouldn't be forced into it unless absolutely necessary. Anyway, that's all for today!