Current Plans
So, there's a lot on my plate currently as far as projects I'm interested in pursuing. Firstly, I have this site that I haven't been adding much to outside of these occasional blog post entries. Then I also have the small app I'm looking to work on at least with the business logic of it. That one can be found at but it's also in a quarter done state. As much as I love front end tasks and working on accessibility + UI, there is just a whole lot more time necessary to make those ideas come to life. Currently I'm gonna try to put in at least 2 hours of work for functionality each day. Once I've got all the features I'd like working and going, then it's time to take a serious look at the UI and what I can do to make it work best. I've found myself bouncing back and forth too much and it's just causing needless extra time spent.
With all that said, I also have a UI library I was starting work on a few weeks back. I ported over some of the items onto this site and the gympal site, but they are very much in the beginning states. Not nearly enough elements are made so that I can answer all my UI needs. This page in particular sort of shows that, the card element is really not doing what it should be, and I've answered that on the other site, but I need to legitimately publish on npm or something similar that way I can make use of the components as a library where I can update the central repo instead of fragmenting it around. This library issue is a big part of the reason I want to focus on backend functionality first.
Anyway, that's all for today. Keep checking in for updates as I continue to work on these two sites to make them something I can be proud of!